We want to welcome you to our church! We thank God that you have taken time to visit this site and hopefully, to come join us in worship.
We are located in beautiful Hot Springs, NC. God's handiwork can easily been seen in the physical landscape as well as the presence of "love" that only He can give.
The floods of 2024 changed our landscape in many ways. However, the community came together to help each other rebuild to the best of our abilities. Our church was blessed to serve as a donation center. Needs were met through a variety of people, businesses, and organizations. We are still assisting those in need. Just because the rain and floods went away...it does not mean the needs have. If you would like to help, please click on this link...https://tithe.ly/give_new/www/#/tithely/give-one-time/6611620. You will be taken to our donation page. You can give here using a credit card, debit card, or bank account. You can set up repeating payments or make a one-time gift. We thank you for your help in this time of need!